Sunday, July 4, 2010

One Week later...

Just a quick site update...

It looks like all the people mentioned throughout this site have seen it. They've all locked down their personal Facebook pages and a few have even changed some of the information that is still visibile. One even made it impossible to search for her, meaning you have to use the direct link on our site.

In the 6 days this site has been live, its received almost 400 unique visitors.. 389 to be exact. Average time spent by each user browsing the site is over 10 minutes.. 10:04 to be exact. And each user visits an average of 6.7 pages while they're on the site. Since we only have 5 pages, that means each user is browsing back and forth looking at pages again. Not bad stats for 6 days!

Also, Midwest Service Bureau themselves haven't made any contact.. but one of their collectors has. Evan Hoffman sent me an email from his personal email address voicing his hatred for the company. Instead of just copying and pasting the text here, I thought I'd do one better and let you SEE his email, directly from my Gmail inbox.

Of course I replied... inquiring why, if he hates it so much, he still works there! I found Evan on Facebook a week ago when I was setting up this site. But for whatever reason, decided to leave him off the Collectors Personal Info page.

Well, if you want to see Evan, here's a link:

He used to have "Midwest Service Bureau" listed as his employer and that he had worked there since the end of last year.. September or October 2009 if I remember right. But he's since taken that down.

But if you've gotten a call from Evan, we've at least got his personal email address - -- let him know how you feel. And ask him why he still works there if he hates it so much! Plenty of places are hiring for low-end minimum wage type jobs.. wouldn't be that hard to find something else, Evan.


And to Sal, Micki and Don -- now that you've seen first hand at least one of your collectors hates the place, why not open your eyes? Make a few changes to how you do business? You can be a collection agency without being the scum of the Earth. You can still be successful in recovering money without being so terrible to people. Mad about my site? You brought it on yourselves. And with the traffic we've already received, looks like I'm not the only one who's pissed.