Monday, March 7, 2011

An Update

Haven't posted in a while -- my apologies.

Have plenty of new information to share, though!

Midwest Service Bureau Website Change

For reasons unknown, it appears the fine folks at Midwest Service Bureau have changed their website address. The new website,, was registered back in September 2010 - about 6 months ago.

If you try to use their old website address,, it redirects automatically to the new site. Which they also redesigned.

One can only wonder if the bad publicity they got from this site,, prompted the change. Or maybe not. Who knows. But its worth noting.

It looks like the person responsible for the new website is Tamara Deal of in Mission, KS. I wonder if she knows how horrible the reps are to their customers at Midwest Service Bureau. Oh well, she's making money off of it. Why should she care? Either way, if you'd like to let her know, you can reach her at 913-369-5082. Don't take your frustrations out on her, though. You can also find her on Facebook here:

Collector Personal Info

This is where it gets good. We've got some great information for you on one of the long-term collectors, Tamara Holland. We still don't know the name she uses when she calls, so if you've got that, let us know.

Here we go.

Tamara Holland of Midwest Service Bureau in Wichita, KS:

Tamara Holland's Home Address:
955 N. Battin St. (SW corner of Battin and 9th St.)
Wichita, KS  67208

Tamara Holland's Home Phone:

Tamara Holland's Personal Cell Phone:

Tamara Holland's Personal Email Address:

Tamara Holland's Yahoo Messenger Screen Name:

Tamara Holland's Birthday:
September 13, 1968

Tamara Holland's Wedding Anniversary:
March 8, 1986

But wait. There's more!

Tamara has 4 kids (2 boys, 2 girls) and 2 granddaughters!

Daughter: Thomeris Denise Holland (10 years old)
You can find her on Facebook here:

Daughter: Kristian Nicole Holland (19 years old)
Her Daughter: Thomaree Dekayla Holland (Tamara's granddaughter)
You can find pictures of her on Facebook here:

Son: Elijah James Holland
No information currently available.

Son: TJ Holland (32 years old)
His Fiancee: Cami Cam (Tamara's soon to be daughter-in-law)
His Daughter: Born January 22, 2011 - No name currently available.
You can find him on Facebook here:

And this is the best part:

Tamara's New Year's Resolution for 2011:

Good plan, Tamara. We salute you.

Alright folks, that's all for now. We'll try to be more active as we uncover additional facts about the debt collectors at Midwest Service Bureau in Wichita, KS.